Stop Nestlé from bottling all our water

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PAOV – There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.

Cette pétition prend de l'ampleur sur, souhaitez-vous la signer? Elle demande au ministre de l'Environnement de la Colombie-Britannique de cesser de donner ou de vendre l'eau de la province à la compagnie Nestlé, car l'eau est une ressource précieuse qui vaut bien plus que les quelques dollars qui sont versés au gouvernement en contrepartie pour les millions de litres d'eau prélevés annuellement par cette compagnie.

BC Environment Minister: Stop Nestle from taking BC's water, regardless of what they pay.

Rosemary Fabius
Winlaw, British Columbia Sign Rosemary's petition

It's hard to think of something more important than clean water, fresh air, and good soil to plant your seeds. In an age where capitalism has become the motivation for so many, it's even more important to stand up and protect these resources, before they are all packaged and sold.

The Nestle company is presenting itself as one of the forerunners of this 'economy over resources' attitude. As people and other life in BC struggle with drought and raging fires, Nestle continues to be allowed to bottle an obscene amount of our drinking water: 265 million litres of fresh water every year from a well in the Fraser Valley. Then it is packaged in plastic, and distributed right back to us- helping them become the number one bottled water company in the world.

They have also been taking water from California, even though Californians were told they have less than a year's left of drinking water. Think of that.

We need to put a stop to this. I have seen a few petitions asking to charge Nestle more money for taking our water, but this does nothing to address the issue. It is still choosing money over resources, while continuing to normalize the idea that water is not a right, and then tax the environment further with endless plastic bottles.

After over 100 years, the BC government's 'water act' will finally be repealed in 2016, and the 'water sustainability act' will be implemented in phases. Until then, there are basically no restrictions or oversight over the use of our groundwater by any company. Even when this new act is in place, there is no guarantee that this will stop- instead higher rental and sales fees might be their answer. (More info here:

Let's be united in our demand that Nestle and companies like it be stopped altogether from taking our drinking water, and set the example for a well needed new paradigm: life and the environment that supports it, over money. Tell the BC Environment Minister to stop selling or giving away our water to Nestle or any other company.

Thank you so much for your support.

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