Free my dad

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PAOV – There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.

Cette pétition prend de l'ampleur sur, souhaitez-vous la signer? Elle demande que le président américain Barack Obama gracie le père de la jeune femme qui a lancé la pétition. Cet homme n'a fait que réparer des camions qui avaient été impliqués par le passé dans le trafic de marijuana, tandis que les responsables du trafic ont témoigné contre ce garagiste en échange de leur liberté.

Petitioning Pardon Attorney Robert Zauzmer

Clemency for Craig Cesal - Serving Life Without Parole for Marijuana

Petition by Lauren Cesal Lisle, Illinois 41,802 Supporters Sign Lauren's petition

Fourteen years ago, my dad, Craig Cesal, was arrested on a marijuana conspiracy case because he owned a trucking repair business. He would repair trucks that had been leased and used to smuggle pot. The trucks would be trashed after the marijuana was stripped from the secret compartments, and although it was obvious these trucks were being used to smuggle pot, my dad didn't think it was his business to report it.

He had no criminal history whatsoever, but today, he is serving a life sentence without parole because he didn't take a plea bargain, went to trial, and was therefore held responsible for everything the kingpin and smugglers had done. They cut deals, testified against him and they are all free today.

He was a single, divorced, dad, and would tell my brother and I that if we got straight A's at school, we would go on a special trip, like Washington DC or Disneyland. It always worked. He would also make us wear T-shirts that said “I got straight A's and came to Disneyland.” He would also make us take photos with all the Disney characters. He loved to show everyone the photos of us with Disney characters when we got home. He was the best dad in the world and I don't see how his incarceration is serving any good purpose for our society.

If President Obama does not commute my father's sentence, he will likely die in prison, especially since he has diabetes and has had medical complications and requirements that are not being properly met.

Please sign my petition so I can be with my father. We want to make up for the time we have missed out on. You will end so much suffering if this petition succeeds in bringing him home. Read more aboutr0 from these emails.

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