RCMP Fakes Terror Bombing To Blame Muslims

Did RCMP Fake Terror Bombing To Blame Muslims?

On Canada Day 2013, the RCMP 'faked' a Terror Bombing in Victoria B.C. The Media then 'blamed' Canada's Muslim Community - who had nothing to do with it.

(May 9, 2016): The RCMP carried out a fake Terror Bombing in Victoria BC on July 1, 2013. Canada's Media then told us that Muslims had done this terrorist act. Was this 'operation' planned and carried out not to 'prevent' a bombing, but to fake a bombing and then use that act to blame Muslims and create fear and division in our country? A phony bombing was carried out by the RCMP. There is no real question about that. And then the Media linked the bombing to Canada's Muslim Community. Why did Canada's Corporate Media so happily participate in blaming this 'terror bombing' on an entire community of innocent people. The 'Official Story' we are being told seemed absurd almost from the beginning. And yet the media repeated it over and over, as if it were 'really true'. Were journalists told to report the story in a certain way?

Canadians need to get an answer to this question. Did t
he Federal Government, the RCMP, and the Corporate Owners of the Media work together to fake a bombing - and then blame it on Muslim Canadians? And if they did ... then Why? The 'Official Story' is that in July 2013, a couple in their 30s placed 'pressure cooker bombs' on the grounds of the BC Legislative Buildings, where thousands would soon be celebrating Canada Day. Luckily, the RCMP was there, had been involved from the beginning, and the bombs were inert. Arrests were made. We were told the terrorist couple had recently 'Become Muslim'.
The Media then fed us the usual 'Muslim Bomber Terrorist' story.
Here is one example: http://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/cooper-stopping-home-grown-terrorists-requires-harsh-medicine

The 'Muslim Couple Who Did It' seemed to have no interest in carrying out a terrorist attack. They did however fear the RCMP would kill them if they didn't plant the bombs. Did the RCMP threaten to kill two people to force them into a fake bombing that would then be blamed on Canada's Muslim Community by our Corporate Media?

What can we do? Please contact your Member of Parliament and ask them to wake up and do something ... And please contact your favorite media and tell them whatever you feel is appropriate.

Jack Etkin For Citizens Forum: http://www.youtube.com/user/CanadaCitizensForum The Bridge News Service: http://thebridgenewsservice.com/ http://thebridgenewsservice.com/links https://www.facebook.com/thebridgenewsservicecanada

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