The Keg

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Cette pétition prend de l'ampleur sur, souhaitez-vous la signer? Elle demande que la chaîne de restaurants The Keg imite ses compétiteurs et se dote d'une politique contre l'achat d'oeufs provenant de batteries de ponte.

Petitioning David Aisenstat

The Keg: Stop Using Eggs From Animals Crammed in Cruel Cages

Petition by Mercy For Animals 831 Supporters Sign the petition

The Keg is a leader among the top restaurant chains in Canada and the United States. But The Keg is no leader among the growing number of companies rejecting cruel cages for egg-laying hens.

Today’s egg factory farms subject millions of hens to unspeakable cruelty and neglect. Hens used for eggs are crammed into wire cages so small the birds can’t walk, spread their wings, or engage in other natural behaviours. Many birds become trapped and painfully mangled in cage wire or under feed trays. Without assistance, they sadly suffer and die. Dead hens are forgotten and left to rot alongside birds still laying eggs for human consumption.

Other industry leaders, including Milestones, Kelsey’s, Jack Astor’s, Canyon Creek, Red’s, Bier Market, Casey’s, Earls, Swiss Chalet, and Boston Pizza, have already made public commitments to eliminating battery cages. It’s high time The Keg listened to its consumers and adopted a cage-free policy for all eggs used in its meals. Please sign this petition asking The Keg to stop cramming birds into cruel cages and to set a firm deadline for going 100 percent cage-free for all eggs used in its meals.

The animals need your voice!

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