TransCanada's scared.

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Dear friends,

We received some really great news last week. TransCanada suspended its application for the Energy East pipeline project and hinted they might abandon the project altogether. This decision came right after the National Energy Board announced that they would consider climate change impacts in their review of the project. Like many of you, I’ve spend hours supporting the nation-wide opposition to this project, so I’d like to thank you for getting us here.

TransCanada’s backing away all thanks to a people-powered resistance to Energy East. Instead of slowing down right now, let’s stand united -- stronger and fiercer -- in the fight against Kinder Morgan. Can you help us out by e-mailing 5 friends and telling them to sign the petition calling on the Port of Vancouver to reject Kinder...


Morgan’s construction permit.

TransCanada may be ready to call it quits now that the NEB is going to assess the climate toll on its proposal to export 1.1 million barrels of tar sands oil every day.

Let’s take a quick look back at how we got to this moment. First, there was the “People’s Intervention” when 100,000 people signed a petition asking for the NEB to include climate impacts in its review for Energy East. Next, close to 2,000 people applied to the NEB asking to speak out on climate change in the hearings for the pipeline. Then, as hearings and open houses were held along the pipeline route, communities from all over filled the room. After Trudeau was elected, people across the country rose up as part of the “People’s Injunction” to hold the government accountable to their promises to fix the broken NEB review process.

Two years later, climate change is now included in the review, forcing TransCanada to pump the breaks on the project. We don’t know for sure what the company will do next, whether they will abandon this folly or if they will try to push ahead. Whatever happens, we know people everywhere will be ready to do whatever it takes to stand up for climate action and Indigenous rights whether it means opposing the Energy East pipeline or Kinder Morgan’s TransMountain Expansion out on the West Coast. Stand with these communities. Share this petition urging the Port of Vancouver to deny Kinder Morgan its permits on facebook.

This big news proves that campaigns to stop massive carbon projects do actually work and we have to celebrate important milestones. That’s what we’re doing today -- but with an eye to the future.

With gratitude,


P.S. I wrote a blog outlining the pathway to this huge milestone in the Energy East fight. You can read it here.