
NationBuilder r1 Dear Paov --

As I was collecting vote pledges at a community centre this week, I spoke with Claudia, a woman who was forced to quit her job in order to keep up with the needs of her aging parents.

Claudia moved her parents into her home but she’s just not able to get enough public home support for them, and they can’t afford expensive private care. As her mother's dementia worsens, she’s not sure where to turn.

A shocking report released last week reveals this is a tragically common situation for many in B.C.: today, seniors have less access to home and community care services than they did 16 years ago. [1]

When seniors can’t get services like home support or residential care, they are left unsupported, family caregivers like Claudia are overburdened, and hospitals become overcrowded.

That’s why I’m asking you to join me... and thousands of others in pledging to vote for better care for seniors in the May 9th election.

Even if you have an idea of who you plan to vote for, pledging to vote for health care will push parties to prioritize these vital services during the election, help us elect a government who will lead on seniors care, and send a clear message to the provincial government post-election: our seniors deserve to age with dignity. Can you join me in pledging to vote for health care now?

I've been working with the BC Health Coalition for just over a month and almost every day I hear from people like Claudia who are trying desperately to find care for their aging parents.

It's no surprise they're facing challenges: last week’s report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives shows that access to residential care and assisted living spaces dropped by 20 per cent since 2001 and access to home support dropped by a whopping 30 per cent during that time.

In a “have” province like B.C., where the government just tabled a surplus budget, that is shameful. Please pledge to vote for better care:

Home and community care services not only benefit seniors, they also play a huge role in reducing hospital overcrowding and shortening wait times for surgeries.

Better care for seniors = better care for everyone in B.C.

Please join me in calling on our leaders to do better for seniors.

With hope,

BC Health Coalition Election Organizer

[1] -=-=-

British Columbia Health Coalition · 3102 Main St, 302, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories, BC V5T 3G7, Canada
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